What’s New in NPOI 2.6.1

Tony Qu
3 min readJun 19, 2023


Another version of NPOI is released this week. We got a few nice features to release.

Many thanks to the following contributors. Without you, we cannot make this build happen.

Excel Related Improvement

Area charts and Pie charts support

PR link: https://github.com/nissl-lab/npoi/pull/866
Contributor: Artem Koloskov

Area Chart code example

Area Chart generated by NPO

Pie Chart code example

Pie Chart generated by NPOI

Pivot Excel Style Access Improvement

PR link: https://github.com/nissl-lab/npoi/pull/1046
Contributor: Vladislav

Word related Improvement

Enable global text replacement in XWPFDocument

Related Issue link: https://github.com/nissl-lab/npoi/issues/1018
Contributor: Bogomaz Dmitry

XWPFDocument.FindAndReplaceText method is available to use.

You can find and replace text globally in one Word.

XWPFDocument can create comments

PR link: https://github.com/nissl-lab/npoi/pull/1006
Contributor: Hara Kenji

You can create comments in Word using NPOI now. A new example is added to help you get started.

comments areadded in Word via NPOI

Enable getting hyperlink from header and footer in XWPFDocument

PR link: https://github.com/nissl-lab/npoi/pull/1074
Contributor: Benjamin Michaelis

CI/CD Improvement

Enable Nuke and Github action based CI/CD

Contributor: Marko Lahma
PR links:

The new build command lines are located in root folder of NPOI:

They are build.cmd, build.ps1 and build.sh. They will call nuke to finish the build.

build.sp1 running result

Build Process improvement

Contributor: Hara Kenji
PR links:

